Thursday, October 20, 2011


This Before and After is actually kinda even super neat to do because it was on the coffee table that we used throughout my childhood.  That said, It sure looked like the coffee table used throughout my childhood. There surely was some true wear on this table. It also was my grandparents they had gotten the piece with some matching sidetables down in Mexico. It was for this reason that when I asked my dad if I could re-do the table he said I could do what ever I want to it, but it was still one of my parents pieces of furniture.

 Scratched and just sad looking.

 I started out the job with a palm sander then my dad was so sweet and made my life so much easier by buying a belt sander. 
...I Love Belt Sanders. 

 The curvy parts took the longest for the tight fit areas I used a Dremel Drill with almost a gouging bit on it, so I had to kinda careful with it. 

The natural wood grain was so very beautiful that I just used a tongue oil on it. 

I very much love my table and I left a little line of the old stain because I liked the way it looked, and just to remember what it was like before. 

1 comment:

  1. you have a belt sander now? you are my new best friend!!! ha ha
